Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day one, two and three of the Master Cleanse

I have decided to do the Master Cleanse again.
Only for 3 days this time.
Last year I did six and it had been years before that when I first discovered the Master Cleanse.
I began with Smooth Move tea last night and then this morning again.
2 glasses of the lemonade mixture(see below) for breakfast, water and 2 more glasses lemonade this afternoon.

I realize how much I really like to eat because every time I walk into the kitchen I think to myself, "what should I eat" and I imagine the food in my mouth tasting so good.
It is difficult the first day to get over the natural inclination to pick up something and eat it.
It makes me so more aware of how food rules me, how I think about food all the time.
In my 20's I was so unattached to food. I ate and enjoyed it but sometimes didn't have time for it. I didn't think about it all the time like I do now.
This is good, to do the fast because it puts food back into perspective.

My head feels light and I am spacey but not starving. Trying to keep warm, the cayenne helps with that. So overall not feeling too bad.
Looking forward to that salt water flush in the morning, oh yeah!

Master Cleanse Lemonade Drink:

10oz filtered or distilled water
2 Tbsp fresh squeezed lemons
2 Tbsp maple syrup
1pinch cayenne pepper (they tell you 1/10th of a tsp but who has that spoon?)

First time I ever did the cleanse I worked as a waitress. Not a good idea to fast and do that much activity but I was in my 20's. After that fast I went completely sproutarian - or Raw Food.
This time when I come off the fast, it will be more raw but cooked foods will be included too.

Somewhere I have a great picture of all those sprouts growing in jars in my one bedroom apartment when I lived in Monterey in my 20's.
My bicycle and sprout growing stuff shared the sunny bedroom room and I slept in the front room on an old wooden door over top concrete blocks with a foam pad on top that doubled as my sofa. Oh, those were the days of eating 2 raw tofu cheesecakes in one sitting. Wow I am a little high on lemon juice right now so more later...

Day Two:
Feeling a little loopy in the morning but not hungry.
Salt Water Flush first thing - 1 quart water with 2 tsp sea salt (NO iodine) Drink all.
Must drink on an empty stomach.
This was the first time I had a hard time getting it down. Had to take sips of clear water in between. I think in the past I had warmed the water a little so it was easier to drink. Couldn't find my Master Cleanse booklet (must have loaned it to someone and never got it back) so I went onto the net for instructions.
Within a half hour, lets just say- it's amazing how much crap we hold inside! Its like having a colonic without the intrusion of the hose! Woohoo, feelin' lighter already!
Drinking lots of water, and only managed 4 glasses of the lemonade mixture so feeling a little hunger during the day.
How I feel is; Breathing clearer, chest is no longer feeling tight and joint pain, although still some most pain has dissipated. Cleaner and Clearer.

Day Three:
Feeling High and amazingly energetic.
Wish I could go on a few more days but need to break fast at the end of the day because of promised engagements. 
Eating Grapefruit and oranges by mid day. Greens by end of day.

Overall: Good experience. Intending to do this yearly if not every 6 months.
Recommendations would be if you have never done it before to do it in the warmer months. You do get a little cold, that's partly why cayenne is incorporated - it gives you heat.

End Result:
Lost 6.5 lbs, which you do gain a few back pretty much right away. Feeling better but do wish I had not had the time constraints to finish up. Next time will do it when I can go as long as I like.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Non Stop Cooking and Helpful Ideas

I have been cooking the last few days non-stop. My feet ache from standing in the kitchen and I am just plain tired. What an awful Hot day.
Some ideas to add to your menus;
Adding more raw into your diet:
Easy tortilla sandwich
Microwave for about a minute a tortilla with re fried beans, cheese, grated carrot and grated zuchinni, when done top with salsa and lettuce.  Makes for a quick and easy meal.
I make this sometimes when I need to run out the door in a hurry.
Add more veggies to lasagna
Even if your crowd loves meat you can add veggies in and they still will be happy if you cut it up small enough so they don't notice.
I use a zyliss but you can use your food processor to chop up veggies like, cauliflower, zucchini, yellow squash, onion and spinach. Mix it in with the sauce and don't forget a little fresh basil!
Cook up chicken breast to use the whole week
When I get chicken on sale I boil(simmer) them in chicken broth just till they are still slightly pink inside (they still cook when turned off) Cut them up into bite sized chunks and then keep them in the fridge for easy use. This way you can lather them in barbecue for a quick barbecue chicken meal, spice them up with marsala sauce(next post) and cauliflower for a quick Indian flavor meal. You can use them in sandwiches, and salads too. You can even freeze it after cooked to nuke later.
Cook Oatmeal up the way you like it into small cups and freeze
I love stove top oatmeal cooked with cinnamon and maple syrup my way. If you have a special oatmeal only you can make check this out; After done cooking pour into those cheap 6 oz plastic cups cover with saran wrap an freeze. Pop them into a bowl and nuke when ready to eat.
Not so beefy Sloppy Joes
I feel like my kids get too much beef, but they really like the flavor. So I do half beef and half ground turkey when I can. Worried about it being too dry, mix in a cup of blended cooked cauliflower into the meat before cooking. It keeps it moist but the flavor is not noticeable!
Chow, Now I need a Nap!

Raw Biryani with Fig Chutney

I got this recipe on You Tube - Kemi's Raw Biryani with Fig Chutney

It went over well with the Adults even non Raw Vegans, so here it is;
Kemi's Raw Biryani
Food Process:
2 cups chopped carrots
2 cups chopped cauliflower
1 tsp garlic
1 tsp fresh grated ginger
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp tumeric
1/4 tsp chili
1 tsp cinnamin
then mix together with:
2 Tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup chopped cilantro (more if you like cilantro like I do)
Fig Chutney

6 dried figs soaked in water a few hours
2 Tbsp chopped mint
1 Tbsp lime juice
Blend together until smooth. Dollop into the middle of your Biryani and garnish with chopped raw cashews or peanuts.

This was so different and so good most of my friends didn't even realize they were eating raw.
A good dish to bring to a picnic!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pork Chops with Apricot marinade and Haluska

I rarely cook Pork chops but got a BOGO at Giant Eagle and I know how much Peter likes Pork chops. So I Decided to make a marinade so my Mira would eat them as well. My little Carnivores.   

Pork Chops with Apricot marinade
Marinate 3-4 good sized pork chops (med thickness) in the items mixed below for at least 4 hours or overnight;
 2 TBSP apricot jam (we bought this from our farm with our CSA)
 2 Tbsp soy Sauce (or more if you like it saltier)
 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
 2 tsp sugar
 Grill the marinated Chops on the Grill outside and serve over the Haluska below... 

Haluska is a authentic Hungarian or Polish Noodle dish. My friend Patricia Loverich-Bernard gave me her version from her Mom and this is it here sans the sour cream but you can use it if you like.

1 head med-large green cabbage chopped into strips
1 large onion (or 2 small-med) chopped into strips
 1stick of butter (butter makes everything better)
1 bag or box of large flat egg noodles cooked and drained (this is important because although I have tried it does not work or taste as good with any other noodle)
salt and pepper (I will tell you I use Penzeys 'Mural of Flavor' spices 1/2 tsp and add some salt and it is wonderful)
Penzeys is in the Strip District in Pittsburgh and they have wonderful spice mixes that are so easy to use to enhance your dishes (that sounded like an advertisement, I wonder if they will give me a discount!)
Saute the butter, cabbage and noodles in a deep fry pan on med high heat. Be careful not to burn the butter. Once the cabbage has softened and the onions translucent add the spices and the noodles and cook a little more 5-7 min.

 The kids and Peter were in heaven over this dish and I served it with a side of my kids favorite Asparagus. What is it about heavily laden butter dishes that make everyone smile;)?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Treachery of Technology

Remember those days when you didn’t drop down in front of your computer first thing in the morning? Or all day through.
Heck, I remember not even owning a computer. I remember when a computer took up a whole room the size of a large walk in closet and punch cards were required.

Being linked in, hooked up, on line, skypeing, face-booking, tweeting, blogging, always connected has its ups and downs. Mostly it's an incredible time drain.
Although the blogging for some reason, even if no one is reading it, I really enjoy. For me blogging is cathartic.

Facebook is like a voyeuristic indulgence. I get to peak into peoples lives, look at their pages and pictures when they don’t know it. It feels incredibly naughty to me. Of course if you are FB friends, you expect that people will look at your pictures and words etc. But still sometimes I feel like I am eavesdropping, like some of the conversation(if you can call it that) is personal and really not meant for my ears.

Twitter, is like stream of consciousness on steroids. I have enough problem with saying just what I think at the wrong time, who needs a place to broadcast it. A new way to piss more people off that’s what twitter would be for me! I do have a twitter account but I avoid it.

Like most of you though, I am addicted.

I can’t help just jumping onto the FB newsfeed as I walk by the computer bringing lunch to the kids. I jump on, read quick and jump off, not wanting anyone to catch me, lest I get caught up chatting and then the kids would be on to what I am doing. OK I know you can block the chat box, but that seems like lying so quickly getting on and off somehow makes me feel better. Hey I’m not hiding, catch me if you can! Didn’t I just tell a friend the other day, “I never have time to get on Facebook anymore”, there was some truth in that. If your not caught on Facebook doesn’t that mean your not on Facebook?

I need to blog. I can’t seem to write in sound bites. I like words, always have since I used to browse the dictionary as a kid. Trying out new words like most girls try on shoes. I want to blog everyday but believe it or not by the end of some days I have very little to say. Not sure how it would come out any way when I am that exhausted.

I still like email. Oh but the dangers of email. One day you send a funny email to a friend about their funny looking hat they wore and the next day they send you a ‘you don’t understand me’ email back. They read your email with a tone in their voice you couldn’t and wouldn’t have. They made your email vile, when it was meant to be light if not a bit cajoling. So you spend your day emailing and then calling to convince them it was a misunderstanding and you didn’t mean to hurt their feelings. What a gimboid! you think but keep it to yourself.

Not fully on to Skype but it is soon to take hold in this household I am sure. Especially when Max is in college. Then I can chastise him about his messy room on line in real time over the internets! He’ll be moving his computer where the backdrop is a blank wall.

What would we do without all the ways we have now a days to keep connected. Some days I want to go trekking deep into the woods, hole up in a little cabin with books to read, writing material and plenty of canned food. But then I would get lonely and need my computer.
It was because of all this connectedness (computer) that I learned to type. I was a hopeless hunt and pecker until it became imperative that I be able to create a quick email. It took me a while but now I don’t have to look at the keys anymore and I couldn’t live without it. Or at least I don’t think I could!
I have been on a strike from cooking last few days! I am determined to get my kids to each take one day a week and cook. Why should I have all the fun?!

I showed them how to take a can of chopped tomatoes, blend it with garlic and basil and you have a quick sauce for penne (we were out of bottled tomato sauce).
They should know how to cook something besides mac n' cheese before they go out on their own.

So this coming week will be the trial run. They must make a meal for the family, a complete meal I might add. It can't be Mac n' Cheese and it can't be hamburgers and hot dogs. They also can not repeat a meal for 6 weeks.
Gosh, I'm a mean Mommy!! Just call me Mommy Dearest.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tempeh Masala

OK so this is not real Masala, just my bastardized version of it.

Tempeh Masala

The Sauce:

1 30 oz (or 2 15oz) can of diced or whole tomatoes
1 can evaporated condensed milk (you can use Sweetened if you like for a sweeter, thicker version. Read about them here; http://homecooking.about.com/od/cookingfaqs/f/faqcannedmilk.htm)
1 Tbsp Lemon juice
1 Tbsp Cumin
1 tsp Coriander
1 tsp Tumeric
1 tsp Sea Salt
1 tsp Ground cloves
1 tsp Cinnamon

Blend the above ingredients in a blender. You can make this the day or night before if you want to have a quick meal the next night.

The Meal:

2 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp chopped garlic (I use the jar kind for ease and so my hands don't smell like garlic)
1 small head cauliflower cut into Florette chunks
1 large onion cut into chunks
Sauce Above
8 oz organic Tempeh cut into 1 inch chunks (if you want to know what this is see; http://www.tempeh.info/)
3 cups chopped spinach

Saute onion, garlic, and cauliflower in the oil until onion is translucent and some browning (do not burn) Add the Sauce from the night before with the Tempeh and turn down to simmer for 20 minutes. Add the Spinach and cook for another 5.
Serve with cooked Brown Rice. Bread or Nan is also good to have to mop up all that yummy sauce with.