Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day one, two and three of the Master Cleanse

I have decided to do the Master Cleanse again.
Only for 3 days this time.
Last year I did six and it had been years before that when I first discovered the Master Cleanse.
I began with Smooth Move tea last night and then this morning again.
2 glasses of the lemonade mixture(see below) for breakfast, water and 2 more glasses lemonade this afternoon.

I realize how much I really like to eat because every time I walk into the kitchen I think to myself, "what should I eat" and I imagine the food in my mouth tasting so good.
It is difficult the first day to get over the natural inclination to pick up something and eat it.
It makes me so more aware of how food rules me, how I think about food all the time.
In my 20's I was so unattached to food. I ate and enjoyed it but sometimes didn't have time for it. I didn't think about it all the time like I do now.
This is good, to do the fast because it puts food back into perspective.

My head feels light and I am spacey but not starving. Trying to keep warm, the cayenne helps with that. So overall not feeling too bad.
Looking forward to that salt water flush in the morning, oh yeah!

Master Cleanse Lemonade Drink:

10oz filtered or distilled water
2 Tbsp fresh squeezed lemons
2 Tbsp maple syrup
1pinch cayenne pepper (they tell you 1/10th of a tsp but who has that spoon?)

First time I ever did the cleanse I worked as a waitress. Not a good idea to fast and do that much activity but I was in my 20's. After that fast I went completely sproutarian - or Raw Food.
This time when I come off the fast, it will be more raw but cooked foods will be included too.

Somewhere I have a great picture of all those sprouts growing in jars in my one bedroom apartment when I lived in Monterey in my 20's.
My bicycle and sprout growing stuff shared the sunny bedroom room and I slept in the front room on an old wooden door over top concrete blocks with a foam pad on top that doubled as my sofa. Oh, those were the days of eating 2 raw tofu cheesecakes in one sitting. Wow I am a little high on lemon juice right now so more later...

Day Two:
Feeling a little loopy in the morning but not hungry.
Salt Water Flush first thing - 1 quart water with 2 tsp sea salt (NO iodine) Drink all.
Must drink on an empty stomach.
This was the first time I had a hard time getting it down. Had to take sips of clear water in between. I think in the past I had warmed the water a little so it was easier to drink. Couldn't find my Master Cleanse booklet (must have loaned it to someone and never got it back) so I went onto the net for instructions.
Within a half hour, lets just say- it's amazing how much crap we hold inside! Its like having a colonic without the intrusion of the hose! Woohoo, feelin' lighter already!
Drinking lots of water, and only managed 4 glasses of the lemonade mixture so feeling a little hunger during the day.
How I feel is; Breathing clearer, chest is no longer feeling tight and joint pain, although still some most pain has dissipated. Cleaner and Clearer.

Day Three:
Feeling High and amazingly energetic.
Wish I could go on a few more days but need to break fast at the end of the day because of promised engagements. 
Eating Grapefruit and oranges by mid day. Greens by end of day.

Overall: Good experience. Intending to do this yearly if not every 6 months.
Recommendations would be if you have never done it before to do it in the warmer months. You do get a little cold, that's partly why cayenne is incorporated - it gives you heat.

End Result:
Lost 6.5 lbs, which you do gain a few back pretty much right away. Feeling better but do wish I had not had the time constraints to finish up. Next time will do it when I can go as long as I like.

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